Job Listings
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For an informal chat about any role, please contact Amy or Erica on 01350 723 206. Site visits are welcomed by appointment – please contact for more details.
Privacy Statement Your CV and subsequent application form for any position with Corbenic Camphill Community will be used during the recruitment process to short-list suitable candidates who will be invited to proceed to the interview stage, and to select the final candidate that the role will be offered to. We sometimes use third-party job application platforms to publish and receive applications for roles at Corbenic Camphill Community. When you apply through these portals the organisation’s privacy information will be available to you. We only work alongside other organisations in this way if we are satisfied that they will keep your information safely and use it only in the same legal ways that we would. During the recruitment process, we will perform some checks on your identity, your right to work in the UK, your eligibility to work with vulnerable people and your past employment references. Corbenic Camphill Community follows the Scottish Social Services Council Safer Recruitment through Better Recruitment framework. Appointments to all posts are subject to membership of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme for Children and Adults. If your application is successful, this information will then form part of your personnel file. Having a criminal conviction is not necessarily a bar to employment with Corbenic. We will make decisions on a case by case basis. We delete the personal information of unsuccessful applications two years after the application process ends in case there are follow-up queries about the process, or should further opportunities arise, unless a candidate requests that we keep their details for longer. Statistical information like ethnicity, sexuality and disability is kept to ensure that our recruitment processes are inclusive and not discriminatory, but this is completely anonymised. If we are required by law to share your information, (for example; in response to a warrant or court order), we will do so.