Day Service Applications
1. An initial inquiry and application is usually made by the responsible care manager to the manager of Corbenic Camphill Community and should be accompanied by relevant social, medical and psychiatric reports.
2. If day service placement is considered, the applicant is invited to visit Corbenic for a day, accompanied by parents or primary carers, social worker and any other relevant people. The visit is arranged by the Team Leader for Workshops and includes a tour of the estate, a view of the household and workshops and meeting members of the community.
3. Following the visit, a decision is taken whether to offer the applicant a day service place. This is based on: relevant reports which came with the application, the views of members of Corbenic Camphill Community who were involved in the visit and the views of the applicant and his or her family and social worker.
4. If it is decided to consider the application further, the letter of invitation to come for a ‘full working day’ is sent to the applicant and a copy sent to the other relevant people. The letter includes arrangements about dates, times, travel and to which house the applicant will be allocated. Enclosed with the letter, if necessary, is a document giving information about life at Corbenic and it is expected that the applicant and significant people around him or her will have given close consideration to the material before accepting the invitation.
5. At the end of the full working day a meeting takes place comprising all relevant people to consider the experiences of the day and come to a decision about whether the applicant is offered a trial period. Material which informs that decision includes the experiences of all concerned during the day and the reports which accompanied the original application. In some cases the applicant may be invited to come for further ‘full working days’ in order to consider the application further. If, during a working day, it becomes evident that the applicant is not suitable as a day service user in Corbenic, the Manager reserves the right to terminate the placement with immediate effect.
6. An initial assessment takes place six weeks after the trial placement starts. Thereafter a six month review will be held followed be annual reviews.
7. If it is decided not to offer the applicant a trial period, a letter to this effect is sent from the Manager to the applicant. While there is no requirement for Corbenic to give reasons for turning down an applicant, discretion may be exercised in giving reasons if considered appropriate. A copy of this letter is sent to other relevant parties with due regard to confidentiality and the applicant’s personal privacy.
8. Our current fee structure is available on request.
It should be noted, while an invitation to come for a full working day may be sent shortly after the initial application, the invitation to come for a trial period will only be made when there is a suitable vacancy. This is to ensure that, if the applicant is to be offered a permanent placement – and he or she accepts – a place will be available as soon as possible thereafter. Even if a place is immediately available, the applicant will have time to consider whether he or she accepts the offer.
For more information or to apply for Day Service at Corbenic, please email joanne@corbeniccamphill.co.uk or jon@corbeniccamphill.co.uk