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The Corbenic 2022-27 Capital Programme

Corbenic's Capital Programme consists of 25 projects that will be of long-term benefit to generations of adults with complex and severe social, emotional and intellectual learning disabilities. Corbenic Camphill Community was founded in 1978 and is an independent charity that provides a holistic residential environment that meets the social, physical, emotional and economic needs of its residents.
Corbenic is home to 43 adults with varying care and support needs - soon to be 44 - as well as over 80 paid and volunteer workers. Residents live in seven shared homes, with provision for older residents with increasing levels of physical dependency. There are four studio flats for residents who want to develop more independence together with semi-independent bedsit type accommodation for others. At present, twelve Scottish local authorities meet the costs of 37 residents with six English authorities and one private trust paying for the others. There is provision for day care for six individuals each day, benefiting thirteen each week.
Corbenic now has sixteen more residents with complex learning disabilities than in 2012, a near 60% increase. We achieved this by adapting buildings as well as constructing a new house. This has been a positive contribution to the shortage of residential places in Scotland (and the rest of the UK). Our waiting list has had to be capped at forty and demonstrates that we have a reputation of providing high quality residential care and support. However, alongside with the additional demand for more residential and day places, our social, cultural and workspace has not developed at the same pace. Our four phase Capital Programme with rebalance this.
We are asking for a wide variety of donors - individuals and organisations - to share in this project by making gifts or grants. These will either by towards our total target of £1,500, 000 over five years or one of the 25 projects that range in cost from estimates of £7,000 for improving wheelchair access and to £1,750.000 for a new ten place residential house. The balance of the cost will be met from Camphill Central Scotland Trust, which owns the estate, subject to satisfactory progress, and they will also underwrite our cash flow so as to ensure work goes on should income drop due to the uncertain economic times we are going through. Having their support gives us the confidence to be certain of progress and is a great benefit should inflation cause prices to keep on rising. However, grateful through we are, such support does come at the cost of increased rent, so we aim to beat our fundraising target to ensure we have more revenue income available for new developments in the future.
"The Camphill Community at Corbenic provides fantastic support for its residents. The members of the community are given the opportunity to blossom and thrive in a caring and encouraging environment.
I have been pleased to work with them over a number of years. The activities provided are wide and varied- from singing to swimming and current affairs discussions and dancing. The service provided is tailor made for each resident and staff are fully committed to all."
Jon Swinney MSP, June 2022.
Developing the mix of residential, work, cultural and social space at Corbenic
Our Programme has been divided into four inter-linked phases:
Phase 1: Refurbishment
To raise the standard of the build environment by undertaking major repairs to the fabrics of buildings and improving the quality of existing facilities throughout the community.
Phase 2: Infrastructure
To invest in enabling infrastructure for energy, waste and data communications that achieve our net zero sustainability ambition and prepares for long-term growth of the community.
Phase 3: Living Spaces
To invest in the existing houses and build a new one! To build additional staff accommodation on site to support this important aspect of the community.
The Programme will develop further residential provision to the benefit of our community and the people who would like to come and live with us, but who takes a visit to truly appreciate how special an environment is provided at Corbenic - the quality of life cannot be given a financial value or described only in words. Sitting down for lunch in one of the houses is a good way to experience why the blend of Camphill ethos, residential care and purposeful daytime activity achieves great things for adults with special needs.

Phase 4: Community Spaces
To invest in shared space essential to community life including a revised Community Barn, additional workshop space, volunteer social space, and, subject to further consultation, an onsite shop/cafe venue also open to the public.
Day services are an essential component in the mix of services at Corbenic. We believe it is not good enough to merely provide activities with a limited aim of occupying their time between sleeping hours. Our ambition is that our residents and others with complex learning difficulties from the surrounding area have the opportunity to live fulfilled lives where they are safe and happy. We have the priceless advantage of an estate where we can provide opportunities for an individual to identify as a farmer, or a gardener, or a baker, or an artist... in a way what is appropriate for their abilities. The care needs of our residents do offer challenges, but these are a reason to succeed and not to accept second - or third best. The Programme will enable us to double the number of the day participants
The programme will significantly increase our ability to provide a range of entertainment, sports and hobby activities. It will also give us space where we can invite people living in the surrounding areas to events; to have the space to hold activities with families; and to make the most of the casual interaction that takes place as local people and tourists our poetry path